Nine months in civictech
I have been the Product Director at San Francisco Digital Services for nine months now. Our world looked very different, then, pre-pandemic.
When I made the decision to join San Francisco Digital Services nine months ago, I did not have a clue what our world would look like. For me at the time, it was simply a matter of joining an industry that gave me the opportunity to use my skills in an area I cared a lot about: people.
I was lucky to have come across a tweet by Carrie Bishop, the Chief Digital Services Officer for San Francisco. During our chat over coffee I learned that the world of govtech is an exciting one that was poised to grow further; that I may be able to apply my skills, from being a founder and product person in the private sector, towards public good.
That proved irresistible.
Over the last few months, I have been sheltering-in-place, and working from home. Things out in the world feel bleak at times, so I am glad to be able to do meaningful work that help people reopen businesses or get help for the things they need.
In the next few posts, I will write in more detail about some of the work we do, and why working on this team has been the perfect way for me to give back to my adopted city of San Francisco.